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Does your company have sexual harassment policies? Does your company require sexual harassment training? If not, you may want to check your state and see if you are required to do so. Although six (6) states require sexual harassment training, that does not give companies' employees a free ticket to violate their employees' rights.

Among the six states are: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, and New York.

Each state sets out a threshold number of employees before a company will be deemed mandated to provide such training. For instance, if an Illinois Company has 10 employees, they would not be mandated to do this annual training because the rule states that an Illinois Company must have 15 or more employees.

Compare that with Connecticut where the threshold is 3 employees, California with 5 employees, and Delaware with 50 employees or more.

Whatever the case may be, it is a prudent idea to have sexual harassment training for your employees and ensure that all employees (management down) are following the rules. The lack of training, policies or the failure to adherence to implemented policies could speak to an overall abuse in the work place that has (in some way) contributed to an employee's harassment if that employee ever chose to file suit.

Check your state for its particular mandates and ensure that you adopt a policy that not only protects your company, but which provides a safe company culture that respects the dignity and personal space of your employees.

For support on creating sexual harassment policies and training, call us at 708.234.7298 to set up a discovery call or go to to get started.


This article is a service of SL DeBarros Law Firm, LLC. We offer a wide array of business legal services and can help you make the wisest business choices throughout life and in the event of your death. We also offer a Business Protection Start-Up Session or a Business Audit for an ongoing business, which includes a review of all the legal, financial, and tax systems you need for your business. Call us today to schedule.


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