Often, we strategize and analyze the numerical wins we collect on paychecks, or the many praises we receive when people are recognizing you for doing something. We strategize and analyze what we can often get from others; yet, fail to see the full picture of what our wins should be.
In a time like this, it's essential to pause, look around you and count the wins. Not counting the things that society say we should count as success and accomplishments, but counting whether you've spoken to a loved one today. Did you hold someone's hand when they needed it. Did you pick up the phone to check on someone who possibly ran through your mind. Did you catch a glimpse of a beautiful past that reminded you of beautiful moments etched in your eternal memory.
COVID-19 has taken much away. However, it has given us all the opportunity to STOP. To stop and count the wins of how many people actually love us and that we love. To understand that moments are still available to do the right thing and show up! I mean, it's as simple as that.
I'm not immune from the issues of the world. I've lost relatives during COVID-19, although their deaths were unattributed to the pandemic. Something painful hits you hard in the center of your chest when you are robbed of the final and last moment of viewing a loved-one before burial or cremation. Something knocks the breathe out of you when you can no longer board an international flight to hug an aunt that loved you deeply!
Life is short, but love is eternal. Never forget to the count the wins that matter. Everything else is just .... well, it doesn't even matter.

Dominic's graduation - 2015
This article is a service of SL DeBarros Law Firm, LLC. We offer a wide array of business legal services and can help you make the wisest business choices throughout life and in the event of your death. We also offer a Business Protection Start-Up Session or a Business Audit for an ongoing business, which includes a review of all the legal, financial, and tax systems you need for your business. Call us today to schedule.